CLUB DE LECTURE: Celebrating #BonjourIndia 2022, AFH Club de Lecture will huddle over the story whose protagonist has become the mascot of hope and friendship all over the world and hence, the mascot of this season of Bonjour India. Yes, it’s <<Le Petit Prince>> by Antoine de Saint Exupery.
Join us
on 29.4.22
at 4pm
on Google Meet (link on Club Français Telegram group).
The Club is generally open to B1+ French language and literature enthusiasts, but this time again, we are opening it up to A2 students as well. Book also available on Culturethèque. Write to [email protected] for access.
Free Event | Open to AFH students and alumni | A2+ | Online on Google Meet | Please read the book before the huddle.
Come, join us in savouring the best of French literature.