FRANCOPHONIE 2017- Dis-moi 10 mots sur la toile : Talk That Talk in French! and WIN a return flight ticket from your city TO PARIS, a full level course of French and learning materials!

One of the most anticipated events of the francophone calendar is the annual competition “Dis-moi dix mots” (literally translated as Tell me 10 words) organised by the French Ministry of Culture and the Organisation internationale de la francophonie (OIF). Launched in 2002, the initiative encourages people to play with and express themselves in the French language.

Participants are expected to create texts, pictures, drawings, videos, songs etc. using a series of ten words around a theme changing every year. This year, the theme is the NET and the 10 words are:

avatar (avatar), canular (hoax), émoticône (emoticon), favori (favorite/bookmark), fureteur (web surfer), héberger (to host), nomade (the adjective mobile), nuage (the Cloud), pirate (hacker) and télésnober (the act of snubbing someone by focusing on one’s smartphone, laptop etc.).

Given the fact that the Alliance Françaises in India and Nepal have an exceptionally strong presence on social media, they are proposing four different possibilities of participating in “Dis-moi dix mots sur la Toile”:

  • Wattpad : creating a text (haiku, news story etc.) using one or several words including the possibility of creating an image, photo, vidéos, cover page etc.
  •  Instagram : Uploading photos or small videos evoking the definition or a representation of the ten words. These visuals have to be tagged on the Instagram account of the respective Alliance Française along with the hashtags #dismoidixmots #slff2017 #Frenchbook.
  • Serious Games : Creating videos or a comic strip using screenshots obtained via Serious Games (example an Avatar on Sims) illustrating one or several words
  • Pinterest : creating a calligram illustrating one or several words

All submissions must be made by March 13, 2017  and sent to [email protected]. These submissions will be visible here throughout the duration of the competition.